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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

World trip without money -
By foot around the earth!

The longest charity walk ever done

A r g h!  I ' m   H e i k o,   y o u r   n a r r a t o r
A great pleasure
to meet you!
Do you want to be a traveler too?
Or just live without money?
Or would you rather become a web nomad?
Or are you perhaps only looking for that world travel feeling?
Then there's...
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We are the
Life adventurer
and salute you!
Why did we leave?
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A long, long time ago, our journey around the world began...
A world tour on foot - is that even possible?
Can you travel around the world on foot? Traveling without money, is that even possible? What's life without money supposed to be like? We knew something had to change. The world needs our help. She's in bad shape, she's been infected by a nasty parasite called Homo sapiens. Unfortunately, we had to realize that we also belong to this genus. Environmental protection is the protection of people. We knew that much before. Since we do not want Homo sapiens to die out, but to become reasonable again and live in harmony with Mother Earth, we have started a money strike.
I have homo sapiens - funny comic
Since people do stupid things because of money, we have decided to do without money for quite some time. We want to avoid this confusion for some time.
No ticky, no washy, right?
Life without money, does that even work?
We also asked ourselves these questions. Since we think less but act, we left on 01.01.2014 without further ado. We gave up sedentary life and became extreme journalists who travel the country as digital nomads. Armed with two pilgrim carriages, we have since been walking around the world on foot and reporting on the problem situation of "Homo sapiens". It is without a doubt the greatest adventure of our lives. Here at you can be there live and in colour as we as webnomads travel around the world without money.
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In our travel diary, we keep you always up to date, where we are and what topics are on our agenda. Whether we are taught by Buddhist monks or whether we are on the trail of a social lie is irrelevant. In our world travel blog and the Lebenswiki you are always up to date. No matter if we are just sailing across the sea with a cargo ship without money or visiting a nature clan, you are always well informed in our travel blog. As an Office Nomad or Digital Nomad we prepare all the information for you so that you can expose the social lies and become a Web Nomad yourself.
Thank solar sails and modern transmission technology you will always get all blog reports from our world travel blog with photos and videos.
The feet have more nerve cells than our hands. We establish a connection to Earth through them. Each step is thus a healing for the earth and for us, if it is consciously carried out.
Why are we wandering around the world without money?
We set out with the question of how we civilised people can live in harmony with nature again, so that we can heal both our environment and ourselves. Therefore, our hike is first and foremost a healing journey, in which we experience first-hand what steps we need to take on the way to health.
climate contract
But beyond that, we also want to contribute something to the well-being of the world and all its inhabitants with every step we take. Our goal is to make our journey without money the longest charity walk in the world. We need your help for that! Together, through our sponsored run, we can support aid projects that work for healthy, peaceful and happy lives all over the world. Our Charity Walk without money supports those who are facing starvation. It is a charity walk that also aims to support those who can no longer walk. So we run without money and collect donations for the protection of primitive peoples, but also for environmental protection. With the help of our sponsors and your commitment, we can make the world more like the paradise it once was. Our goal is that "Homo sapiens" understands that if he remains the exploiter of the planet, he will soon no longer have a paradise to live in.
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But is it really our goal to destroy our planet?
Much more, man should extend paradise by becoming the gardener of the earth, so that the fruits can multiply for the prosperity of all. Thus, our Charity walk is not only a charity run, but also a research trip. We deliberately embark on this voyage of discovery without money, so that we do not encounter any financial conflict of interest in finding the truth. Living without money is a protective mechanism for us to serve the truth and not the one who makes the most financially profitable offer. So we want to cheat our money ego and say: "On the journey without money, it's no use at all if you raise a lot of money for a job, so stay reflected and see what's really useful to bring healing to earth and to people.” On the journey without money, it's no use at all if you raise a lot of money with the work you do. So you can just stay reflected and see what's really useful to bring healing to earth and to people. You have no financial interest anymore, so you cannot get corrupted.
So many visitors are interested in the aid projects:
Click here
We also want to give you the knowledge you need to become a web nomad, healer, researcher or globetrotter yourself. We want to awaken the hunger in you so that you also feel the need to become a light. Become enlightenment philosopher as digital nomads. Find within yourself your destiny as a healer or do-gooder. Discover through us your urge to explore. We hope we can encourage you to become a seeker of truth as well.
Have fun and a good trip, maybe even without money!
Experience galaxy
We want to solve the questions of life
We want to decipher the code of health
We want to recognize who we really are
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